We had a very eventful Easter Day in Florence this year. This is my fourth Easter here since moving from California and it has been the most meaningful to me.
In the early morning, we went to family service, followed by an Easter Egg hunt at church. My toddler son had such an exciting time because he was first in line for the Easter Egg hunt since he was the youngest in the group. He couldn't stop looking at his eggs while we were driving home!
I had a couple hours to finish my cupcakes later that morning and frosted them with green vanilla cream with some Easter decorations to bring to an amazing Easter Brunch we got invited to this year. (Here is the picture of the cupcakes that I made on Easter Day below.)

Even though it started raining earlier that afternoon, it didn't dampen our spirits. We left the brunch party around 3pm and still had some time to relax at home and watched some TV. If we can have an Easter just like this next year, I could not ask for more. What a blessed day!