Paint & Sip at Addie's Baby in downtown Florence, South Carolina
Posted by on Sunday, December 9, 2018 Under: For Moms
We meet new people throughout our lifetime and some may only stay as acquaintances while others become an instant close connection. I find that having that great, trustworthy friend in this town takes effort and giving others a chance is not easy, but something's gotta give. It is, as we all know, like dating.

And what better way to go on a date or get to know your friend than doing a creative exercise together over a glass of wine? My favorite choice: going to a Paint & Sip in downtown Florence. There's an intimate art studio called Addie's Baby Studio in downtown that's owned by Winter Moore. If you haven't been there, you should. The name of the art studio is "Addie's Baby" because Addie is Winter's mother. It's creative and so touching and as a mom myself, it speaks volumes.
(Owner & Artist, Winter Moore)
Tonight, my group of moms took a few hours of our busy Christmas season for a Paint & Sip class at Addie's Baby together. Tonight's theme was "Snowman in Paradise".
Addie's Baby Studio provides the apron, paintbrushes, paint and canvas. You just need to show up with your beverage of choice that you've brought with you (BYOB). Our group decided that sharing a bottle (or 2) of Cabernet Sauvignon that someone brought from home was perfect.
Sometimes the pressure of creating a perfect canvas can be what's holding you back from just enjoying the experience. For these Paint & Sip classes, no art experience is ever required. What you create on the canvas is yours. After you've completed your painting on your canvas, you get to bring it home to remember the memories of a certain season of your life when you created it. It's more than just painting to me. It's like a record of time of where I am and who I'm with at that given moment. And that is why I'm always eager to come back here to do another painting I've never done before.
(Inside of Addie's Baby Studio at a Paint & Sip class)
During the December month, there are many different Christmas themed paintings you can pick from. To see Addie's Baby Studio's calendar and upcoming paintings, go to: If you need to spend that quality time with your significant other, I highly suggest a Paint & Sip class here. If you both have never done it, it'll be a great bonding experience you'll never forget.
(I forgot my carrot nose on my snowman but that's okay.)
No two paintings from a class will ever be the exact same so when you peek at your neighbor's painting, just remember that that's their painting. You have yours that you created with your own hands and left side of the brain. When I was peering over to see everybody else's canvas, I felt like my painting was missing something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I didn't realize until I got home that I forgot to add an orange carrot nose to my snowman! I may have missed a pretty important feature of his face but now I can say that my snowman is not "nosy" like that others. It has made this particular painting experience more memorable and for that, I am thankful.
To call Addie's Baby Studio about booking a class for yourself or a group of people, you can call 843.229.5862. Studio Address: 290 W Evans St, Florence, South Carolina 29501
Addie's Baby Studio facebook page:
If you are new in town and would like to see a list of mom groups or playdates in Florence, go to: Moms Groups in Florence.
For a list of ideas of fun things to do (including Paint & Sips and trivia nights) with your group of moms, go to: Mom Fun page. Every mom deserves a little break.
And what better way to go on a date or get to know your friend than doing a creative exercise together over a glass of wine? My favorite choice: going to a Paint & Sip in downtown Florence. There's an intimate art studio called Addie's Baby Studio in downtown that's owned by Winter Moore. If you haven't been there, you should. The name of the art studio is "Addie's Baby" because Addie is Winter's mother. It's creative and so touching and as a mom myself, it speaks volumes.
Tonight, my group of moms took a few hours of our busy Christmas season for a Paint & Sip class at Addie's Baby together. Tonight's theme was "Snowman in Paradise".
Addie's Baby Studio provides the apron, paintbrushes, paint and canvas. You just need to show up with your beverage of choice that you've brought with you (BYOB). Our group decided that sharing a bottle (or 2) of Cabernet Sauvignon that someone brought from home was perfect.
Sometimes the pressure of creating a perfect canvas can be what's holding you back from just enjoying the experience. For these Paint & Sip classes, no art experience is ever required. What you create on the canvas is yours. After you've completed your painting on your canvas, you get to bring it home to remember the memories of a certain season of your life when you created it. It's more than just painting to me. It's like a record of time of where I am and who I'm with at that given moment. And that is why I'm always eager to come back here to do another painting I've never done before.
During the December month, there are many different Christmas themed paintings you can pick from. To see Addie's Baby Studio's calendar and upcoming paintings, go to: If you need to spend that quality time with your significant other, I highly suggest a Paint & Sip class here. If you both have never done it, it'll be a great bonding experience you'll never forget.
No two paintings from a class will ever be the exact same so when you peek at your neighbor's painting, just remember that that's their painting. You have yours that you created with your own hands and left side of the brain. When I was peering over to see everybody else's canvas, I felt like my painting was missing something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I didn't realize until I got home that I forgot to add an orange carrot nose to my snowman! I may have missed a pretty important feature of his face but now I can say that my snowman is not "nosy" like that others. It has made this particular painting experience more memorable and for that, I am thankful.
To call Addie's Baby Studio about booking a class for yourself or a group of people, you can call 843.229.5862. Studio Address: 290 W Evans St, Florence, South Carolina 29501
Addie's Baby Studio facebook page:
If you are new in town and would like to see a list of mom groups or playdates in Florence, go to: Moms Groups in Florence.
For a list of ideas of fun things to do (including Paint & Sips and trivia nights) with your group of moms, go to: Mom Fun page. Every mom deserves a little break.
In : For Moms
Tags: addie's baby paint and sip in florence sc paint nights